【決議文】第二回 「アジアの民主化を­促進する東京集会」

投稿日 :2015年1月18日


アジア民主化促進実行委員会 https://asiandemocracy.jp/










We gathered here today to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and India aim to further promote freedom and democracy and establish self-determination of nations in Asia. following our first convention held last year.

Japan and India share freedom and democracy as universal political values. Both countries have cultivated to this day their rich ethnic cultures of Asia.

ln today’s Asia, however. such countries as China. North Korea, and Vietnam adhere to one-party auto cracy suppressing the human rights of the people and at the same time undermining the traditions and culture of racial groups in their own countries, and invade territories whose sovereign rights belong to other countries.

Such conduct of these autocratic nations should not be allowed from the viewpoints of freedom and democracy as well as the traditions of Asia which respect peace and friendship among different races as fundamentals.

Japan has left footsteps we can he proud of struggling for realizing freedom and self-determination of nations in Asia.

To act accordingly to the respectful spirit of those who died for the ideals and causes of their times

Resolved: We unite with fellow Asian nations. races and the people of the world who share the same ideal for further promoting democracy and establishing self-determination of nations in Asia.

Dated: December 6, the 24th Year of Heisei (2012)

On the Occasion: The 2nd Convention for Promoting Democracy in Asia

英訳:藤田裕行 校正:ヘンリー・ストークス